
Teen Challenge of Arizona Mission Statement

To provide youth, adults and families with an effective and comprehensive Christian Faith-based solution to life-controlling problems in order to become productive members of society.

Teen Challenge of Arizona endeavors to help people become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well and spiritually alive.

Residential recovery programs consist of:

  • Two intake centers for men, a minimum of 13 months
  • A center for adolescent girls in crisis, a minimum of 3 months
  • A center for women and women with children, a minimum of 12 months

The Home of Hope (Women 18+)

A residential shelter home offering help to women (18 years and older) who have addictive behaviors, who have been abused, or suffer with life-controlling problems, and women who have children (infants to 7 years of age).

Intake Office- 520.252.3523
Email- hohintake@tcaz.org

The Springboard Home (Girls 12 to 17)

Since 1976, the Springboard Home has provided assistance to thousands of girls and their distraught families from around the nation. Through individual, family, and group counseling, Teen Challenge curriculum, and the love of a compassionate staff, we help girls who arrive at our facility with a variety of struggles. The staff encourage the students to work through behavioral issues, drug/alcohol use, self-destructive pursuits, and life-controlling habits. Springboard students navigate through and heal from their trauma via an individual care plan in a highly structured, faith-based environment.

Intake Office- 520.730.4269
Email- springboardadmissions@tcaz.org

The Tucson Men’s Center (Men 18+)

This is where they stay for the first few months to learn about the Love and Grace of God, and how to find freedom from their addictions by following Christ. When men first come to Teen Challenge, their journey begins at one of our two induction center. This is where they stay for the first few months to learn about the Love and Grace of God, and how to find freedom from their addictions by following Christ.

Intake Office- 520.403.9884
Email- tucsonintake@tcaz.org

The Greater Phoenix Men’s Center (Men 18+)

A residential recovery program serving men ages 18 and up. When men first come to Teen Challenge, their journey begins at one of our two induction center. This is where they stay for the first few months to learn about the Love and Grace of God, and how to find freedom from their addictions by following Christ. They will participate in classroom studies, group and individual mentoring programs, work studies, chapel services and various types of community outreach and fundraising events.

Intake Office- 602.708.9475
Email- phxintake@tcaz.org
Copyright © 2025 Teen Challenge of Arizona, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Federal ID # 86-0255257. Website by Crushing Pixels