Karen B.

My parents were never really around while I was growing up and because of that I was taking care of my siblings by the time I was 8 years old. Because my siblings and I didn’t have any parental guidance I didn’t really have a childhood. My addiction started when I was introduced to drugs by my partner and at that time, I was 26. I believed that the drugs took my broken heart and pain away. I was also going through a depression due to my husband and I divorcing. Back in 2023 I got pregnant and that was when I realized that I needed to change. What brought me to Home of Hope was God and my spiritual mother.  Unfortunately, I left before I could finish. I found out from the doctor that my baby would be born with down syndrome and I didn’t want to face that. After a few months of being away from the Home of Hope I realized that I made a mistake and that the Lord was calling me back. I want to become more obedient to the voice of God so I can do His will. I now understand that his plans are better than mine.