Rayniece C.

Growing up what I thought was normal, wasn’t. I was 10 when my parents divorced. My older sister and I never saw it coming. My parents never even fought, at least not in front of us. I have had an addiction one way or another since I was thirteen years old. It was caused by rejection and guilt.  I avoided my feelings and gave myself excuses for my behaviors. Now that I’ve gotten much older, I realized that my issues are still with me. I am from California and went to TC for the first time in 2010. I stopped using everything for six years but I was still broken. Since I have been at the Home of Hope I feel that it’s been different. I can feel that my heart is really changing. My spirit is being renewed daily. My strongholds are not defining me anymore. I’m done, yet I still have much work to do with Jesus Christ my Father God and the Holy Spirit. One day I hope that I am living in God’s plan for me. I hope that this program helps me to become free and to love myself the way my Father loves me.